Small Business Marketing Strategies

With limited resources, small business owners may think one way to keep costs down is to cut or reduce their marketing budget. Sadly, you’re only hurting yourself by doing this. Many small business marketing strategies will help you reach your growth potential, but not hurt your bottom line. 

Read on to discover the importance of marketing and branding as a small business, and the numerous marketing strategies you can employ. 

Why Is Marketing Important For Small Business Owners?

It’s easy to view marketing as an unnecessary part of your budget. The truth is that marketing is the most effective way to increase revenue. You pour endless amounts of energy into your business, but without customers noticing you, it won’t amount to much. 

That’s where marketing comes in. 

As you know, marketing is all around us. While the landscape has changed, marketing still boils down to getting your brand out there. 

When you’re a small business, you rely heavily on becoming a pillar in your community. What better way to do that than by showcasing that image to customers?

Your main competition is either established local companies or large companies that customers go to without a second thought. The goal of marketing is to redirect that traffic to your small business. 

Make customers think of you when they’re considering going out to eat or when wanting to purchase from a locally-owned business. 

Marketing involves a lot of strategies. It doesn’t have to involve buying expensive TV time for ads. It’s as simple as engaging in local social media communities.

Resources are limited for small business owners. We get that. However, don’t let that stop you from actively marketing your business. Your future growth will thank you for it. 

Now, let’s talk about some small business marketing strategies you can employ. 

Best Small Marketing Business Strategies

Don’t overthink it. Marketing isn’t rocket science. We promise. Plus, there are ways to outsource your marketing efforts without employing an expensive agency. Again, we’re trying to work marketing into your already tight budget. 

Here are a few small business marketing strategies that will drive traffic to your business, and over time, increase revenue. 

Engage in local social media groups. Time and time again, people post to their local social media groups asking for suggestions on where to shop or receive a service. When these are posted, pounce. Tell your future customers why they should come to you. What do you offer? How are you different? Personalize your comment. 

To not sound like a salesman (customers don’t want that), approach these comments lightly. Don’t embellish. Don’t promise things you can’t deliver on. Tell them the truth. Talk to them like you’re their friend. 

Tip: Also consider posting in local groups. Do a fun fact of a day related to your industry. Tell a joke related to your industry. You can even create informative posts regularly showing off your expertise. All of these ideas build your credibility with potential customers. 

Ask for endorsements. One of the easiest ways to gain instant credibility is to receive an endorsement from a well-respected local. Make a list of possible candidates. Then, research whether or not they’re already doing an endorsement with your competition. Once you’ve settled on someone, offer them something in return, or ask what they’d like in return. 

It’s also helpful to identify people who have ties to your industry. For example, if you’re an auto parts store, seek out the owner of the local racetrack or car dealership. 

Tip: Don’t be pushy. This is meant to improve your reputation. Upsetting potential endorsement candidates does the opposite. 

Advertise in unique places. Radio and TV ads can become expensive. Instead, consider advertising in your local newspaper, telephone book, bus stops, or even buy billboard space. When your budget is tight, you have to get creative. Think of places that might be cheaper, but still promote your small business to a large audience. 

Tip: When it comes to ads, you should consider hiring a professional to create them for you. The work of a professional will most likely have more success. Customers are used to seeing ads. Poor quality stands out to them and not in a good way. 

Run and advertise promotions. Promotions are a great way to drive traffic to your small business. In addition, once you have customers in the store, it’s easier for you to sell them other products or services. It’s all about getting them in the door. 

It’s a good idea to advertise these promotions on your social media page or local community groups. If the promotion runs for a long period, consider buying ad space. 

Tip: Run themed promotions around holidays. For example, a lot of furniture stores run promotions around President’s Day. Target holidays that aren’t the “prime” shopping days of the year. This helps drive traffic during slow periods. 

Final Thoughts On Small Business Marketing Strategies

Marketing as a small business doesn’t have to break the bank. There are unique strategies you can employ to drive traffic and increase revenue. 

Better yet, small business marketing strategies allow you to reach your customers slightly differently than your bigger competition. Customers can view you as a valued member of the community rather than just a business trying to make a sale. 

Remember, marketing is a year-round effort. Results from your marketing strategies aren’t instantaneous. They take time to show up in your quarterly reports. Over time, you’ll see your small business reach its full growth potential through marketing efforts. 

Don’t let your limited resources prevent you from marketing effectively and begin implementing unique, budget-friendly ways to drive customers to your small business today. 


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